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Publications and conferences of Prof. Darabant Sergiu Adrian

In [1]:
text = """
A Versatile 3D Face Reconstruction from Multiple Images for Face Shape Classification
Conference Paper
Sep 2019
Alexandru Ion Marinescu
Tudor Ileni
Adrian Sergiu Darabant
Fast In-the-Wild Hair Segmentation and Color Classification
Conference Paper
Jan 2019
Tudor Ileni
Diana Borza
Adrian Sergiu Darabant
In this paper we address the problem of hair segmentation and hair color classification in facial images using a machine learning approach based on both convolutional neural networks and classical neural networks. Hair with its color shades, shape and length represents an important feature of the human face and is used in domains like biometrics, v...
A Deep Learning Approach to Hair Segmentation and Color Extraction from Facial Images: 19th International Conference, ACIVS 2018, Poitiers, France, September 24–27, 2018, Proceedings
Sep 2018
Diana Borza
Tudor Ileni
Adrian Sergiu Darabant
In this paper we tackle the problem of hair analysis in unconstrained images. We propose a fully convolutional, multi-task neural network to segment the image pixels into hair, face and background classes. The network also decides if the person is bald or not. The detected hair pixels are analyzed by a color recognition module which uses color feat...
Micro-Expressions Detection Based on Micro-Motions Dense Optical Flows
Conference Paper
Sep 2018
Sergiu Cosmin Nistor
Adrian Sergiu Darabant
Diana Borza
Automatic Skin Tone Extraction for Visagism Applications
Conference Paper
Jan 2018
Diana Borza
Adrian Sergiu Darabant
Radu Danescu
Figure 1. High-speed video acquisition and analysis process. 
Figure 1. High-speed video acquisition and analysis process. 

High-Speed Video System for Micro-Expression Detection and Recognition
Full-text available
Dec 2017
Diana Borza
Radu Danescu
Razvan Itu
Adrian Sergiu Darabant
Micro-expressions play an essential part in understanding non-verbal communication and deceit detection. They are involuntary, brief facial movements that are shown when a person is trying to conceal something. Automatic analysis of micro-expression is challenging due to their low amplitude and to their short duration (they occur as fast as 1/15 to...
Supplementary Material
Dec 2017
Diana Borza
Radu Danescu
Razvan Itu
Adrian Sergiu Darabant
Towards Automatic Skin Tone Classification in Facial Images
Conference Paper
Oct 2017
Diana Borza
Sergiu Cosmin Nistor
Adrian Sergiu Darabant
In this paper, we address the problem of skin tone classification in facial images, which has applications in various domains: visagisme, soft biometry and surveillance systems. We propose four skin tone classification algorithms and analyze their performance using different color spaces. The first two methods rely directly on pixel values, while t...
A linear approach to distributed database optimization using data reallocation
Conference Paper
Sep 2017
Adrian Sergiu Darabant
Viorica Varga
Leon Tambulea
Fig. 1. Flowchart of the proposed solution for gender classification
Fig. 4. Loss function of Inception-v4 trained with image distortions

Automatic gender recognition for “in the wild” facial images using convolutional neural networks
Conference Paper
Full-text available
Sep 2017
Sergiu Cosmin Nistor
Alexandra-Cristina Marina
Adrian Sergiu Darabant
Diana Borza
Fig. 1: The evaluation tree and the values associated to an example query. 
Fig. 2: Fragment used by a binary operator-one operand is always a leaf...
Table 2 : Costs and exec times for MFRN=1 and MFRN=5, cases (a) and (b)
Fig. 4: Cost Improvements Percents for MFRN=1 and MFRN=5 

Access Patterns Optimization in Distributed Databases Using Data Reallocation
Conference Paper
Full-text available
Aug 2017
Adrian Sergiu Darabant
Leon Tambulea
Viorica Varga
Large distributed databases are split into fragments stored on far distant nodes that communicate through a communication network. Query execution requires data transfers between the processing sites of the system. In this paper we propose a solution for minimizing raw data transfers by re-arranging and replicating existing data within the constrai...
Fast Eye Tracking and Feature Measurement using a Multi-stage Particle Filter
Conference Paper
Jan 2017
Radu Danescu
Adrian Sergiu Darabant
Diana Borza
Table 1 . Iris center localization accuracies compared to the...
Table 2 . Iris center localization results on the University of...
Table 3 . Iris radius computation results on the University of Michigan...
Table 4 . Performance of the eye shape segmentation algorithm the UMFD...
+3Table 5 . Mean error normalized by the inter-pupillary distance.
Real-Time Detection and Measurement of Eye Features from Color Images
Full-text available
Jul 2016
Diana Borza
Adrian Sergiu Darabant
Radu Danescu
The accurate extraction and measurement of eye features is crucial to a variety of domains, including human-computer interaction, biometry, and medical research. This paper presents a fast and accurate method for extracting multiple features around the eyes: the center of the pupil, the iris radius, and the external shape of the eye. These features...
Magnetic Stimulation of the Spinal Cord: Evaluating the Characteristics of an Appropriate Stimulator
Oct 2015
Mihaela Cretu
Adrian Sergiu Darabant
Radu V. Ciupa
This article aims to determine the necessary characteristics of a magnetic stimulator, capable of stimulating neural tracts of the spinal cord in a healthy subject. Our previous preliminary tests had shown that the commercial clinical magnetic stimulator Magstim Rapid2 was unable to reach excitable structures within the spinal cord, and only adjace...
Eyeglasses contour extraction using genetic algorithms
Conference Paper
Sep 2015
Diana Borza
Radu Danescu
Adrian Sergiu Darabant
This paper presents an eyeglasses contour extraction method that uses genetic algorithms to find the exact shape of the lenses. An efficient shape description, based on Fourier coefficients, is used to represent the shape of the eyeglasses, allowing a wide range of shapes to be represented with a small number of parameters. The proposed method does...
Figure 1. Eyeglasses detection algorithm outline. 
Figure 2. Reconstruction of the rim contour using Fourier descriptors....
Table 2 . Detection rates. 
Table 3 . Comparison of the proposed method with related works. 
+4Figure 7. Eyeglasses region of interest (ROI). The detected position of...
Eyeglasses Lens Contour Extraction from Facial Images Using an Efficient Shape Description
Full-text available
Oct 2013
Diana Borza
Adrian Sergiu Darabant
Radu Danescu
This paper presents a system that automatically extracts the position of the eyeglasses and the accurate shape and size of the frame lenses in facial images. The novelty brought by this paper consists in three key contributions. The first one is an original model for representing the shape of the eyeglasses lens, using Fourier descriptors. The seco...
Magnetic Stimulation of the Spinal Cord: Experimental Results and Simulations
May 2013
Laura Darabant
Mihaela Cretu
Adrian Sergiu Darabant
This paper aims in interpreting the leg muscles responses recorded by electromyography during magnetic stimulation of the spinal cord by computing the electric field induced in the spinal cord and the nearby areas during this procedure. A simplified model of the spine was created and a Finite Difference Method algorithm was implemented in Matlab.
Fig. 4. Comparative FPE clustering results.
Fig. 5. Comparative results for small, medium and large datasets.

Clustering methods in data fragmentation
Full-text available
Jan 2011
Adrian Sergiu Darabant
L. Darabant
This paper proposes an enhanced version for three clustering algorithms: hierarchical, k-means and fuzzy c-means applied in horizontal object oriented data fragmentation. The main application is focusing in distributed object oriented database (OODB) fragmentation, but the method applicability is not limited to this research area. The proposed algo...
Figure 1. Illuminated center of pupils
Figure 2. Auxiliary object with markers
Figure 3. Multiple reflections issue
Figure 4. Final preprocessing step: Canny Edge Detection and Closing  
+2Figure 6. Center detection on binarized image of circle  
Computer Vision Aided Measurement of Morphological Features in Medical Optics
Full-text available
Sep 2010
Bologa Bogdana
Adrian Sergiu Darabant
This paper presents a computer vision aided method for non invasive interupupillary (IPD) distance measurement. IPD is a morphological feature requirement in any oftalmological frame prescription. A good frame prescription is highly dependent nowadays on accurate IPD estimation in order for the lenses to be eye strain free. The idea is to replace t...
Figure 1. Original video frame from the input video. 
Figure 2. Foreground objects after subtraction. 
Figure 3. Binary image(a), Eroded image(b). 
Figure 4. Dilated image-blobs are well separated and compact. 
+3Figure 5. Normal blobs(a), Blobs with holes(b), Fragmented blobs(c). 
A Computer Vision Approach to Object Tracking and Counting
Full-text available
Sep 2010
Mezei Sergiu
Adrian Sergiu Darabant
This paper, introduces a new method for counting people or more generally objects that enter or exit a certain area/building or perimeter. We propose an algorithm (method) that analyzes a video sequence, detects moving objects and their moving direction and filters them according to some criteria (ex only humans). As result one obtains in and out c...
Energy Efficient Coils for Magnetic Stimulation of Peripheral Nerves
Apr 2009
Laura Darabant
M. Plesa
Dan Micu[...]
Adrian Sergiu Darabant
The preoccupation for improving the quality of life, for persons with different handicaps, led to extended research in the area of functional stimulation. Due to its advantages compared to electrical stimulation, magnetic stimulation of the human nervous system is now a common technique in modern medicine. A difficulty of this technique is the need...
Hierarchical clustering in large object datasets – a study on complexity, quality and scalability
Jan 2009
Adrian Sergiu Darabant
Anca Andreica
Object database fragmentation (horizontal fragmentation) deals with splitting the extension of classes into subsets according to some criteria. The resulting fragments are then used either in distributed database processing or in parallel data processing in order to spread the computation power over multiple nodes or to increase data locality featu...
A medical application of electromagnetic fields: The magnetic stimulation of nerve fibers inside a cylindrical tissue
Conference Paper
Jun 2008
M. Plesa
L. Darabant
R. Ciupa
Adrian Sergiu Darabant
A model is presented that predicts the electric field induced in the arm during magnetic stimulation of a peripheral nerve. The arm is represented as a homogeneous, cylindrical volume conductor. The electric field arises from two sources: the time - varying magnetic field and the accumulation of charge on the tissue - air surface. In magnetic stimu...
Fig. 2-The MobMed System Architecture and Integration with the Hospital...
Fig 3-Merge Replication Architecture .
Fig. 6 MobMed's login window
Fig. 7 MobMed's main and patient form  

Mobile Devices and Data Synchronization Assisting Medical Diagnosis
Full-text available
Jun 2008
Adrian Sergiu Darabant
Horea Todoran
In order to be able to establish the most accurate diagnostics as quick as possible, medical doctors need fast access not only to the current patient state and test results but also to its historical medical data. With the diversity of the malady symptoms today a correct diagnostic often requires a valuable time that is not always available due to...
Web services for e-learning and e-recruitment
Jan 2007
George Chis
Horea Grebla
D. Matis[...]
Adrian Sergiu Darabant
Mobile phone communication can no longer be conceived as a communication mean only, but also as a way to integrate voice services together with data services which are oriented towards large consumer groups. Together with voice services, mobile Internet represents the second most important component of the service packages offered in Romania. The a...
Fig. 3 Comparative PE costs for variant M1 on all classes. 
Fig. 5-PE values for M1 on complex class fragmentation and primary...

The similarity measures and their impact on OODB fragmentation using hierarchical clustering algorithms
Full-text available
Sep 2006
Adrian Sergiu Darabant
Horea Todoran
Octavian Creţ
George Chis
Class fragmentation is an essential phase in the design of Distributed Object Oriented Databases (DOODB). Due to their semantic similarity with the purpose of database fragmentation (obtaining sets of similar objects with respect to the user applications running in the system), clustering algorithms have recently begun to be investigated in the pro...
Building an efficient architecture for data synchronization on mobile wireless agents
Aug 2006
Adrian Sergiu Darabant
H. Todoran
Nowadays, negotiation between a representative of a commercial enterprise and its clients is a pre-requisite for selling most of the industrial goods in large quantities. In many cases, it is the task of a mobile salesman to conduct the negotiation on behalf of the supplier. But this is not an easy task to accomplish, since the mobile agent must br...
Fig.1 Business information flow
Fig. 2 – The MobSel System Architecture and Integration with the...
Fig 5 Controlling the synchronized data.

Implementing data synchronization on mobile wireless agents
Conference Paper
Full-text available
Jul 2006
Adrian Sergiu Darabant
Horea Todoran
Mobile salesmen out in the wild and the entire commercial store with them? A while ago this would have seemed atypical. Nowadays, it has become a must have asset for any salesmen-based commercial enterprise. In the past, the Web brought the virtual store to the client's premises. While this is still enough for certain types of commerce, negotiation...
Table 1 . Results of the software (C++) implementation
Table 2 . Results of the software implementation
Fig. 3. The hardware architecture in the 1D case

Solving the Maximum Subsequence Problem with a Hardware Agents-based System
Full-text available
Jul 2006
Octavian Creţ
Zsolt Mathe
Cristina Grama[...]
Adrian Sergiu Darabant
The maximum subsequence problem is widely encountered in various digital processing systems. Given a stream of both positive and negative integers, it consists of determining the subsequence of maximal sum inside the input stream. In its two-dimensional version, the input is an array of both positive and negative integers, and the problem consists...
Figure 1: The fragmentation costs for the CBAk(incremental) and...
Table 1 : Comparative results for the CBAk and k-means algorithms

Incremental Horizontal Fragmentation: A new Approach in the Design of Distributed Object Oriented Databases
Full-text available
Jan 2006
Adrian Sergiu Darabant
Alina Campan
Horea Todoran
Distributed relational or more recently object-oriented databases usually employ data fragmenta-tion techniques during the design phase in order to split and allocate the database entities across the nodes of the system. Most of the design algorithms are usually static and do not take into account the system evolution: data updates and addition of...
A Hardware Implementation of the Kadane’s Algorithm for the Maximum Subsequence Problem
Conference Paper
Jan 2006
Octavian Creţ
Zsolt Mathe
Lucia Văcariu[...]
Levente-Karoly Gorog
"The School in Your Pocket": Useful PoeketPC applications for students
Jan 2006
Horea Todoran
Adrian Sergiu Darabant
Much smaller than laptops and still suitable for almost all kinds of applications, hand-held devices have the potential to rapidly become interesting tools for various daily activities. They can be successfully used in education by all participants (students, educators, administrative staff), if helpful applications are carefully designed and imple...
Figure 2. Macroflows composed of connections originating from different...

Fine-Grained Macroflow Granularity in Congestion Control Management
Full-text available
Jun 2005
Darius Bufnea
Alina Campan
Adrian Sergiu Darabant
A recent approach in Internet congestion control suggests collaboration between sets of streams that should share network resources and learn from each other about the state of the network. Currently such a set of collaborating streams – a macroflow – is organized on host pair basis. We propose in this paper a new method for grouping streams into m...
Figure 3 Fuzzy fragmentation vs k-means primary and k-means...

Using Fuzzy Clustering for Advanced OODB Horizontal Fragmentation with Fine-Grained Replication.
Conference Paper
Full-text available
Jan 2005
Adrian Sergiu Darabant
Alina Campan
Octavian Creţ
In this paper we present a new approach for horizontal object oriented database fragmentation combined with fine-grained object level replication in one step. We build our fragmentation/replication method using AI probabilis- tic clustering (fuzzy clustering). Fragmentation quality evaluation is provided using an evaluator function.
Figure 1: The database class hierarchy
Figure 2: Experimental results

Full-text available
Jan 2005
Alina Campan
Adrian Sergiu Darabant
Gabriela Serban
Optimal application performance in a Distributed Object Ori- ented System requires class fragmentation and the development of allocation schemes to place fragments at distributed sites so data transfer is minimal. A horizontal fragmentation approach that uses data mining clustering methods for partitioning object instances into fragments has alread...
Figure 1: The database class hierarchy 
Figure 2: The database aggregation/association graph 
Figure 3: Comparative PE values for our fragmentation method,...
Figure 4: Comparative class PE values for each similarity measure 
Figure 5: Comparative PE values for primary only fragmentation and our...
Full-text available
Jan 2005
Adrian Sergiu Darabant
Horizontal fragmentation plays an important role in the design phase of Distributed Databases. Complex class relationships: associations, aggregations and complex methods, require fragmentation algorithms to take into account the new problem dimensions induced by these features of the object oriented models. We propose in this paper a new method fo...
Table 1 . 
Table 2 . 
Figure 3. Parameter transmission in the SW array 
Figure 4. The interface of a PE and the connections between adjacent...

FPGA-based Scalable Implementation of the General Smith-Waterman Algorithm
Conference Paper
Full-text available
Nov 2004
Octavian Creţ
Stefan Mathe
Balint Szente[...]
Adrian Sergiu Darabant
The Smith-Waterman algorithm is fundamental in Bioinformatics. This paper presents an FPGA-based systolic implementation of the Smith-Waterman algorithm that addresses a general case of it. A solution that improves the scalability of the design is proposed. The architecture is optimized for both speed and space, by reusing the hardware resources fo...
TABLE 2 . Allocation of Fragments to Distributed Sites
Fig. 3. Comparative quality measures for each class.
Fig. 4. Comparative PE for k-means, full replication and centralized case.
Fig. 5. Comparative PE values for our fragmentation methods.

Semi-supervised learning techniques: k-means clustering in OODB Fragmentation
Conference Paper
Full-text available
Feb 2004
Adrian Sergiu Darabant
Alina Campan
Vertical and horizontal fragmentations are central issues in the design process of distributed object based systems. A good fragmentation scheme followed by an optimal allocation could greatly enhance performance in such systems, as data transfer between distributed sites is minimized. In this paper we present a horizontal fragmentation approach th...
Figure 1: The database inheritance hierarchy 
Figure 2: The database aggregation hierarchy 
Figure 3: Partial RelGraph-CAN values and weights 
Figure 4: Comparative PE values for each class 
Figure 5: Comparative PE values for different fragmentation orders 
A new approach for optimal fragmentation order in distributed object oriented databases
Full-text available
Feb 2004
Adrian Sergiu Darabant
Alina Campan
Class fragmentation is an important task in the design of Distributed OODBs and there are many algorithms handling it. Almost none of them deals however with the class fragmentation order details. We claim that class fragmentation order can induce severe performance penalties if not considered in the frag- mentation phase. We propose here two varia...
Figure 1. The database inheritance hierarchy 
Figure 2. The database aggregation hierarchy 

Full-text available
Jan 2004
Adrian Sergiu Darabant
Alina Campan
Distributed Object Oriented Databases require class fragmenta- tion, performed either horizontally or vertically. Complex class relationships like aggregation and/or association are often represented as two-way refer- ences or object-links between classes. In order to obtain a good quality horizontal fragmentation, an optimal class processing order...
Figure 3 Comparative PE values for our fragmentation method,...
Figure 4 Comparative class PE values for each similarity measure.

Full-text available
Jan 2004
Adrian Sergiu Darabant
Alina Campan
Grigor Moldovan
Horea Grebla
Horizontal fragmentation plays an important role in the design phase of Distributed Databases. Complex class relationships: associations, aggregations and complex methods, require fragmentation algorithms to take into account the new problem dimensions induced by these features of the object oriented models. We propose in this paper a new method fo...
Full-text available
Jan 2004
Horea Grebla
Grigor Moldovan
Adrian Sergiu Darabant
Alina Campan
As the European Union extends its boundaries the major companies have extended their presence on different markets resulting sales expansion and marketing specialization. Moreover, globalization brings a bigger impact on vital business's data because of the applications that have been developed on platforms having specific aspects by means of datab...
Figure 2. Comparative PE for k-means, full replication and centralized...
Figure 3. Comparison quality measures for each of our fragmentation...

Advanced Object Database Design Techniques
Full-text available
Jan 2004
Adrian Sergiu Darabant
Alina Ampan
Class fragmentation is an important task in the design of Distributed Object Oriented Databases (DOOD). However, fragmentation in DOOD is still at its beginnings and mostly adapted from the relational approaches. In this paper we propose an alternative approach for horizontal fragmentation of DOOD. Our method uses two different AI clustering techni...
Fig. 2 . CREC development system 

A hardware/software codesign method for general purpose reconfigurable computing
Conference Paper
Full-text available
Jul 2003
Octavian Creţ
Kalman Pusztai
Cristian Cosmin Vancea[...]
Adrian Sergiu Darabant
CREC is an original, low-cost general-purpose Reconfigurable Computer whose architecture is generated through a Hardware / Software CoDesign process. The main idea of the CREC computer is to generate the best-suited hardware architecture for the execution of each software application. The CREC Parallel Compiler parses the source code and generates...
Current Technologies in Automatic Test Suites Generation and Verification of Complex Systems
Full-text available
Jan 1999
Adrian Sergiu Darabant
Multi-tiered client-server techniques for distributed database systems
Jan 1998
Adrian Sergiu Darabant
Information explosion across all areas has determined an increase in hardware requirements for application that provide data to the users. As hardware evelopment is quite susceptible to be bound after a top barrier is reached, new technologies must be developed in the software area in order to keep up with the requirements. We present here such a t...
Fig. 2. The database class hierarchy
Fig. 3. The database aggregation/association graph

Hierarchical clustering in object oriented data models with complex class relationships
Full-text available
Adrian Sergiu Darabant
Alina Campan
Octavian Creţ
Class fragmentation is an essential phase in the design of Distributed Object Oriented Databases (DOODB). Horizontal and vertical fragmentation are the two commonly used fragmentation techniques. We propose here two new methods for horizontal fragmentation of objects with complex attributes. They rely on AI clustering techniques for grouping object...
Energy Efficient Coils for Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS)
M. Plesa
Radu CIUPA[...]
Adrian Sergiu Darabant
The preoccupation for improving the quality of life, for persons with different handicaps, led to extended research in the area of functional stimulation. Due to its advantages compared to electrical stimulation, magnetic stimulation of the human nervous system is now a common technique in modern medicine. A difficulty of this technique is the need...
Fig.2: Web Services for E-Learning

E-Learning Services as a Recruitment Tool
Full-text available
George Chis
Horea Grebla
Adrian Sergiu Darabant
Networks expansion and Internet provide a good platform for e-learning in the idea of connecting learners with educational resources. The various systems that are already implemented consider the learning process as a remote task to gather knowledge in order to pass some exams. In the learning process evaluation represents a final step for a course...
A Comparative Study of Horizontal Object Clustering-based Fragmentation Techniques
Adrian Sergiu Darabant
Alina Campan
Design of modern Distributed Object Oriented Databases (DOODs) requires class fragmentation techniques. Although research has been conducted in this area, most of the developed methods are inspired from the relational fragmentation algorithms. In this paper we develop a comparative approach of two new methods for horizontal class fragmentation in a...
TABLE 2 . OCM -exceptional case
TABLE 3 . CVM -for OCM
Fig. 4. Comparative quality measures for fragmentation variants,...
TABLE 4 . OCM -with phantom object
TABLE 5 . CVM -with phantom object
AI Clustering Techniques: a New Approach to Object Oriented Database Fragmentation
Full-text available
Adrian Sergiu Darabant
Alina Campan
Cluj Napoca
M Kogalniceanu
Optimal application performance on a Distributed Object Based System requires class fragmentation and the development of allocation schemes to place fragments at distributed sites so data transfer is minimal. In this paper we present a horizontal fragmentation approach that uses the k-means centroid based clustering method for partitioning object i...
A Comparative Study on the Influence of Similarity Measures in Hierarchical Clustering in Complex Distributed Object-Oriented Databases
Full-text available
Adrian Sergiu Darabant
Horea Todoran
Octavian Creţ
George Chis
Class fragmentation is an essential phase in the design of Distributed Object Oriented Databases (DOODB). Due to their semantic similarity with the purpose of database fragmentation (obtaining sets of similar objects with respect to the user applications running in the system), clustering algorithms have recently begun to be investigated in the pro...
Figure 1. Medical information flow 
Figure 2. The MobMed Architecture and Integration with the Hospital...
Figure 3. Merge Replication Architecture 

Full-text available
Adrian Sergiu Darabant
Darabant And
Horea Todoran
In order to take the appropriate decisions as quick as possible, medical doctors need fast access to various pieces of information on their pa-tients. The required information should be accurate, up-to-date, and avail-able on the spot. Even more, after finishing his/her investigation, the medical doctor should be able to immediately forward the rel...

Implementing Efficient Data Synchronization for Mobile Wireless Medical Users
Full-text available
Adrian Sergiu Darabant
In order to take the appropriate decisions as quick as possible, medical doctors need fast access to various pieces of information on their patients. The required information should be accurate, up-to-date, and available on the spot. Even more, after finishing his/her investigation, the medical doctor should be able to immediately forward the relev...

In [8]:
import re

In [30]:
class HelperMethods:
    def IsDate(text):
#         print("text")
#         print(text)
        val = re.match("(Jan|Feb|Mar|Apr|May|Jun|Jul|Aug|Sep|Oct|Nov|Dec) (1|2)(0|9)[0-9]{2}", text)
        if not val:
            return False
        return True

In [51]:
mylines = []
ctr = 0

title = ""
authors = ""
affiliations = ""
date = ""

papers = []

titles = []
dates = []
for line in text.split('View')[1:-1]:
    fields = []
    current_date = None
    for field in line.split('\n'):
        val = re.match("(\+[0-9])?(Figure|Fig[\.]?|Table|TABLE)( )?[0-9]+", field)
        if val:
        if field == "":
        print("field: ", field)
        if HelperMethods.IsDate(field):
            current_date = field
    title = fields[0]
    papers.append((title, current_date))


['', 'Fast In-the-Wild Hair Segmentation and Color Classification', 'Conference Paper', 'Jan 2019', 'Tudor Ileni', 'Diana Borza', 'Adrian Sergiu Darabant', 'In this paper we address the problem of hair segmentation and hair color classification in facial images using a machine learning approach based on both convolutional neural networks and classical neural networks. Hair with its color shades, shape and length represents an important feature of the human face and is used in domains like biometrics, v...', '']
field:  Fast In-the-Wild Hair Segmentation and Color Classification
field:  Conference Paper
field:  Jan 2019
field:  Tudor Ileni
field:  Diana Borza
field:  Adrian Sergiu Darabant
field:  In this paper we address the problem of hair segmentation and hair color classification in facial images using a machine learning approach based on both convolutional neural networks and classical neural networks. Hair with its color shades, shape and length represents an important feature of the human face and is used in domains like biometrics, v...
['', 'A Deep Learning Approach to Hair Segmentation and Color Extraction from Facial Images: 19th International Conference, ACIVS 2018, Poitiers, France, September 24–27, 2018, Proceedings', 'Chapter', 'Sep 2018', 'Diana Borza', 'Tudor Ileni', 'Adrian Sergiu Darabant', 'In this paper we tackle the problem of hair analysis in unconstrained images. We propose a fully convolutional, multi-task neural network to segment the image pixels into hair, face and background classes. The network also decides if the person is bald or not. The detected hair pixels are analyzed by a color recognition module which uses color feat...', '']
field:  A Deep Learning Approach to Hair Segmentation and Color Extraction from Facial Images: 19th International Conference, ACIVS 2018, Poitiers, France, September 24–27, 2018, Proceedings
field:  Chapter
field:  Sep 2018
field:  Diana Borza
field:  Tudor Ileni
field:  Adrian Sergiu Darabant
field:  In this paper we tackle the problem of hair analysis in unconstrained images. We propose a fully convolutional, multi-task neural network to segment the image pixels into hair, face and background classes. The network also decides if the person is bald or not. The detected hair pixels are analyzed by a color recognition module which uses color feat...
['', 'Micro-Expressions Detection Based on Micro-Motions Dense Optical Flows', 'Conference Paper', 'Sep 2018', 'Sergiu Cosmin Nistor', 'Adrian Sergiu Darabant', 'Diana Borza', '']
field:  Micro-Expressions Detection Based on Micro-Motions Dense Optical Flows
field:  Conference Paper
field:  Sep 2018
field:  Sergiu Cosmin Nistor
field:  Adrian Sergiu Darabant
field:  Diana Borza
['', 'Automatic Skin Tone Extraction for Visagism Applications', 'Conference Paper', 'Jan 2018', 'Diana Borza', 'Adrian Sergiu Darabant', 'Radu Danescu', '']
field:  Automatic Skin Tone Extraction for Visagism Applications
field:  Conference Paper
field:  Jan 2018
field:  Diana Borza
field:  Adrian Sergiu Darabant
field:  Radu Danescu
['', 'Figure 1. High-speed video acquisition and analysis process. ', 'Figure 1. High-speed video acquisition and analysis process. ', '', '', '', 'High-Speed Video System for Micro-Expression Detection and Recognition', 'Article', 'Full-text available', 'Dec 2017', 'Diana Borza', 'Radu Danescu', 'Razvan Itu', 'Adrian Sergiu Darabant', 'Micro-expressions play an essential part in understanding non-verbal communication and deceit detection. They are involuntary, brief facial movements that are shown when a person is trying to conceal something. Automatic analysis of micro-expression is challenging due to their low amplitude and to their short duration (they occur as fast as 1/15 to...', '']
field:  High-Speed Video System for Micro-Expression Detection and Recognition
field:  Article
field:  Full-text available
field:  Dec 2017
field:  Diana Borza
field:  Radu Danescu
field:  Razvan Itu
field:  Adrian Sergiu Darabant
field:  Micro-expressions play an essential part in understanding non-verbal communication and deceit detection. They are involuntary, brief facial movements that are shown when a person is trying to conceal something. Automatic analysis of micro-expression is challenging due to their low amplitude and to their short duration (they occur as fast as 1/15 to...
['', 'Supplementary Material', 'Data', 'Dec 2017', 'Diana Borza', 'Radu Danescu', 'Razvan Itu', 'Adrian Sergiu Darabant', '']
field:  Supplementary Material
field:  Data
field:  Dec 2017
field:  Diana Borza
field:  Radu Danescu
field:  Razvan Itu
field:  Adrian Sergiu Darabant
['', 'Towards Automatic Skin Tone Classification in Facial Images', 'Conference Paper', 'Oct 2017', 'Diana Borza', 'Sergiu Cosmin Nistor', 'Adrian Sergiu Darabant', 'In this paper, we address the problem of skin tone classification in facial images, which has applications in various domains: visagisme, soft biometry and surveillance systems. We propose four skin tone classification algorithms and analyze their performance using different color spaces. The first two methods rely directly on pixel values, while t...', '']
field:  Towards Automatic Skin Tone Classification in Facial Images
field:  Conference Paper
field:  Oct 2017
field:  Diana Borza
field:  Sergiu Cosmin Nistor
field:  Adrian Sergiu Darabant
field:  In this paper, we address the problem of skin tone classification in facial images, which has applications in various domains: visagisme, soft biometry and surveillance systems. We propose four skin tone classification algorithms and analyze their performance using different color spaces. The first two methods rely directly on pixel values, while t...
['', 'A linear approach to distributed database optimization using data reallocation', 'Conference Paper', 'Sep 2017', 'Adrian Sergiu Darabant', 'Viorica Varga', 'Leon Tambulea', '']
field:  A linear approach to distributed database optimization using data reallocation
field:  Conference Paper
field:  Sep 2017
field:  Adrian Sergiu Darabant
field:  Viorica Varga
field:  Leon Tambulea
['', 'Fig. 1. Flowchart of the proposed solution for gender classification', 'Fig. 4. Loss function of Inception-v4 trained with image distortions', '', '', '', 'Automatic gender recognition for “in the wild” facial images using convolutional neural networks', 'Conference Paper', 'Full-text available', 'Sep 2017', 'Sergiu Cosmin Nistor', 'Alexandra-Cristina Marina', 'Adrian Sergiu Darabant', 'Diana Borza', '']
field:  Automatic gender recognition for “in the wild” facial images using convolutional neural networks
field:  Conference Paper
field:  Full-text available
field:  Sep 2017
field:  Sergiu Cosmin Nistor
field:  Alexandra-Cristina Marina
field:  Adrian Sergiu Darabant
field:  Diana Borza
['', 'Fig. 1: The evaluation tree and the values associated to an example query. ', 'Fig. 2: Fragment used by a binary operator-one operand is always a leaf...', 'Table 2 : Costs and exec times for MFRN=1 and MFRN=5, cases (a) and (b)', 'Fig. 4: Cost Improvements Percents for MFRN=1 and MFRN=5 ', '', 'Access Patterns Optimization in Distributed Databases Using Data Reallocation', 'Conference Paper', 'Full-text available', 'Aug 2017', 'Adrian Sergiu Darabant', 'Leon Tambulea', 'Viorica Varga', 'Large distributed databases are split into fragments stored on far distant nodes that communicate through a communication network. Query execution requires data transfers between the processing sites of the system. In this paper we propose a solution for minimizing raw data transfers by re-arranging and replicating existing data within the constrai...', '']
field:  Access Patterns Optimization in Distributed Databases Using Data Reallocation
field:  Conference Paper
field:  Full-text available
field:  Aug 2017
field:  Adrian Sergiu Darabant
field:  Leon Tambulea
field:  Viorica Varga
field:  Large distributed databases are split into fragments stored on far distant nodes that communicate through a communication network. Query execution requires data transfers between the processing sites of the system. In this paper we propose a solution for minimizing raw data transfers by re-arranging and replicating existing data within the constrai...
['', 'Fast Eye Tracking and Feature Measurement using a Multi-stage Particle Filter', 'Conference Paper', 'Jan 2017', 'Radu Danescu', 'Adrian Sergiu Darabant', 'Diana Borza', '']
field:  Fast Eye Tracking and Feature Measurement using a Multi-stage Particle Filter
field:  Conference Paper
field:  Jan 2017
field:  Radu Danescu
field:  Adrian Sergiu Darabant
field:  Diana Borza
['', 'Table 1 . Iris center localization accuracies compared to the...', 'Table 2 . Iris center localization results on the University of...', 'Table 3 . Iris radius computation results on the University of Michigan...', 'Table 4 . Performance of the eye shape segmentation algorithm the UMFD...', '+3Table 5 . Mean error normalized by the inter-pupillary distance.', 'Real-Time Detection and Measurement of Eye Features from Color Images', 'Article', 'Full-text available', 'Jul 2016', 'Diana Borza', 'Adrian Sergiu Darabant', 'Radu Danescu', 'The accurate extraction and measurement of eye features is crucial to a variety of domains, including human-computer interaction, biometry, and medical research. This paper presents a fast and accurate method for extracting multiple features around the eyes: the center of the pupil, the iris radius, and the external shape of the eye. These features...', '']
field:  Real-Time Detection and Measurement of Eye Features from Color Images
field:  Article
field:  Full-text available
field:  Jul 2016
field:  Diana Borza
field:  Adrian Sergiu Darabant
field:  Radu Danescu
field:  The accurate extraction and measurement of eye features is crucial to a variety of domains, including human-computer interaction, biometry, and medical research. This paper presents a fast and accurate method for extracting multiple features around the eyes: the center of the pupil, the iris radius, and the external shape of the eye. These features...
['', 'Magnetic Stimulation of the Spinal Cord: Evaluating the Characteristics of an Appropriate Stimulator', 'Article', 'Oct 2015', 'Mihaela Cretu', 'Adrian Sergiu Darabant', 'Radu V. Ciupa', 'This article aims to determine the necessary characteristics of a magnetic stimulator, capable of stimulating neural tracts of the spinal cord in a healthy subject. Our previous preliminary tests had shown that the commercial clinical magnetic stimulator Magstim Rapid2 was unable to reach excitable structures within the spinal cord, and only adjace...', '']
field:  Magnetic Stimulation of the Spinal Cord: Evaluating the Characteristics of an Appropriate Stimulator
field:  Article
field:  Oct 2015
field:  Mihaela Cretu
field:  Adrian Sergiu Darabant
field:  Radu V. Ciupa
field:  This article aims to determine the necessary characteristics of a magnetic stimulator, capable of stimulating neural tracts of the spinal cord in a healthy subject. Our previous preliminary tests had shown that the commercial clinical magnetic stimulator Magstim Rapid2 was unable to reach excitable structures within the spinal cord, and only adjace...
['', 'Eyeglasses contour extraction using genetic algorithms', 'Conference Paper', 'Sep 2015', 'Diana Borza', 'Radu Danescu', 'Adrian Sergiu Darabant', 'This paper presents an eyeglasses contour extraction method that uses genetic algorithms to find the exact shape of the lenses. An efficient shape description, based on Fourier coefficients, is used to represent the shape of the eyeglasses, allowing a wide range of shapes to be represented with a small number of parameters. The proposed method does...', '']
field:  Eyeglasses contour extraction using genetic algorithms
field:  Conference Paper
field:  Sep 2015
field:  Diana Borza
field:  Radu Danescu
field:  Adrian Sergiu Darabant
field:  This paper presents an eyeglasses contour extraction method that uses genetic algorithms to find the exact shape of the lenses. An efficient shape description, based on Fourier coefficients, is used to represent the shape of the eyeglasses, allowing a wide range of shapes to be represented with a small number of parameters. The proposed method does...
['', 'Figure 1. Eyeglasses detection algorithm outline. ', 'Figure 2. Reconstruction of the rim contour using Fourier descriptors....', 'Table 2 . Detection rates. ', 'Table 3 . Comparison of the proposed method with related works. ', '+4Figure 7. Eyeglasses region of interest (ROI). The detected position of...', 'Eyeglasses Lens Contour Extraction from Facial Images Using an Efficient Shape Description', 'Article', 'Full-text available', 'Oct 2013', 'Diana Borza', 'Adrian Sergiu Darabant', 'Radu Danescu', 'This paper presents a system that automatically extracts the position of the eyeglasses and the accurate shape and size of the frame lenses in facial images. The novelty brought by this paper consists in three key contributions. The first one is an original model for representing the shape of the eyeglasses lens, using Fourier descriptors. The seco...', '']
field:  Eyeglasses Lens Contour Extraction from Facial Images Using an Efficient Shape Description
field:  Article
field:  Full-text available
field:  Oct 2013
field:  Diana Borza
field:  Adrian Sergiu Darabant
field:  Radu Danescu
field:  This paper presents a system that automatically extracts the position of the eyeglasses and the accurate shape and size of the frame lenses in facial images. The novelty brought by this paper consists in three key contributions. The first one is an original model for representing the shape of the eyeglasses lens, using Fourier descriptors. The seco...
['', 'Magnetic Stimulation of the Spinal Cord: Experimental Results and Simulations', 'Article', 'May 2013', 'Laura Darabant', 'Mihaela Cretu', 'Adrian Sergiu Darabant', 'This paper aims in interpreting the leg muscles responses recorded by electromyography during magnetic stimulation of the spinal cord by computing the electric field induced in the spinal cord and the nearby areas during this procedure. A simplified model of the spine was created and a Finite Difference Method algorithm was implemented in Matlab.', '']
field:  Magnetic Stimulation of the Spinal Cord: Experimental Results and Simulations
field:  Article
field:  May 2013
field:  Laura Darabant
field:  Mihaela Cretu
field:  Adrian Sergiu Darabant
field:  This paper aims in interpreting the leg muscles responses recorded by electromyography during magnetic stimulation of the spinal cord by computing the electric field induced in the spinal cord and the nearby areas during this procedure. A simplified model of the spine was created and a Finite Difference Method algorithm was implemented in Matlab.
['', 'Fig. 4. Comparative FPE clustering results.', 'Fig. 5. Comparative results for small, medium and large datasets.', '', '', '', 'Clustering methods in data fragmentation', 'Article', 'Full-text available', 'Jan 2011', 'Adrian Sergiu Darabant', 'L. Darabant', 'This paper proposes an enhanced version for three clustering algorithms: hierarchical, k-means and fuzzy c-means applied in horizontal object oriented data fragmentation. The main application is focusing in distributed object oriented database (OODB) fragmentation, but the method applicability is not limited to this research area. The proposed algo...', '']
field:  Clustering methods in data fragmentation
field:  Article
field:  Full-text available
field:  Jan 2011
field:  Adrian Sergiu Darabant
field:  L. Darabant
field:  This paper proposes an enhanced version for three clustering algorithms: hierarchical, k-means and fuzzy c-means applied in horizontal object oriented data fragmentation. The main application is focusing in distributed object oriented database (OODB) fragmentation, but the method applicability is not limited to this research area. The proposed algo...
['', 'Figure 1. Illuminated center of pupils', 'Figure 2. Auxiliary object with markers', 'Figure 3. Multiple reflections issue', 'Figure 4. Final preprocessing step: Canny Edge Detection and Closing  ', '+2Figure 6. Center detection on binarized image of circle  ', 'Computer Vision Aided Measurement of Morphological Features in Medical Optics', 'Article', 'Full-text available', 'Sep 2010', 'Bologa Bogdana', 'Adrian Sergiu Darabant', 'This paper presents a computer vision aided method for non invasive interupupillary (IPD) distance measurement. IPD is a morphological feature requirement in any oftalmological frame prescription. A good frame prescription is highly dependent nowadays on accurate IPD estimation in order for the lenses to be eye strain free. The idea is to replace t...', '']
field:  Computer Vision Aided Measurement of Morphological Features in Medical Optics
field:  Article
field:  Full-text available
field:  Sep 2010
field:  Bologa Bogdana
field:  Adrian Sergiu Darabant
field:  This paper presents a computer vision aided method for non invasive interupupillary (IPD) distance measurement. IPD is a morphological feature requirement in any oftalmological frame prescription. A good frame prescription is highly dependent nowadays on accurate IPD estimation in order for the lenses to be eye strain free. The idea is to replace t...
['', 'Figure 1. Original video frame from the input video. ', 'Figure 2. Foreground objects after subtraction. ', 'Figure 3. Binary image(a), Eroded image(b). ', 'Figure 4. Dilated image-blobs are well separated and compact. ', '+3Figure 5. Normal blobs(a), Blobs with holes(b), Fragmented blobs(c). ', 'A Computer Vision Approach to Object Tracking and Counting', 'Article', 'Full-text available', 'Sep 2010', 'Mezei Sergiu', 'Adrian Sergiu Darabant', 'This paper, introduces a new method for counting people or more generally objects that enter or exit a certain area/building or perimeter. We propose an algorithm (method) that analyzes a video sequence, detects moving objects and their moving direction and filters them according to some criteria (ex only humans). As result one obtains in and out c...', '']
field:  A Computer Vision Approach to Object Tracking and Counting
field:  Article
field:  Full-text available
field:  Sep 2010
field:  Mezei Sergiu
field:  Adrian Sergiu Darabant
field:  This paper, introduces a new method for counting people or more generally objects that enter or exit a certain area/building or perimeter. We propose an algorithm (method) that analyzes a video sequence, detects moving objects and their moving direction and filters them according to some criteria (ex only humans). As result one obtains in and out c...
['', 'Energy Efficient Coils for Magnetic Stimulation of Peripheral Nerves', 'Article', 'Apr 2009', 'Laura Darabant', 'M. Plesa', 'Dan Micu[...]', 'Adrian Sergiu Darabant', 'The preoccupation for improving the quality of life, for persons with different handicaps, led to extended research in the area of functional stimulation. Due to its advantages compared to electrical stimulation, magnetic stimulation of the human nervous system is now a common technique in modern medicine. A difficulty of this technique is the need...', '']
field:  Energy Efficient Coils for Magnetic Stimulation of Peripheral Nerves
field:  Article
field:  Apr 2009
field:  Laura Darabant
field:  M. Plesa
field:  Dan Micu[...]
field:  Adrian Sergiu Darabant
field:  The preoccupation for improving the quality of life, for persons with different handicaps, led to extended research in the area of functional stimulation. Due to its advantages compared to electrical stimulation, magnetic stimulation of the human nervous system is now a common technique in modern medicine. A difficulty of this technique is the need...
['', 'Hierarchical clustering in large object datasets – a study on complexity, quality and scalability', 'Article', 'Jan 2009', 'Adrian Sergiu Darabant', 'Anca Andreica', 'Object database fragmentation (horizontal fragmentation) deals with splitting the extension of classes into subsets according to some criteria. The resulting fragments are then used either in distributed database processing or in parallel data processing in order to spread the computation power over multiple nodes or to increase data locality featu...', '']
field:  Hierarchical clustering in large object datasets – a study on complexity, quality and scalability
field:  Article
field:  Jan 2009
field:  Adrian Sergiu Darabant
field:  Anca Andreica
field:  Object database fragmentation (horizontal fragmentation) deals with splitting the extension of classes into subsets according to some criteria. The resulting fragments are then used either in distributed database processing or in parallel data processing in order to spread the computation power over multiple nodes or to increase data locality featu...
['', 'A medical application of electromagnetic fields: The magnetic stimulation of nerve fibers inside a cylindrical tissue', 'Conference Paper', 'Jun 2008', 'M. Plesa', 'L. Darabant', 'R. Ciupa', 'Adrian Sergiu Darabant', 'A model is presented that predicts the electric field induced in the arm during magnetic stimulation of a peripheral nerve. The arm is represented as a homogeneous, cylindrical volume conductor. The electric field arises from two sources: the time - varying magnetic field and the accumulation of charge on the tissue - air surface. In magnetic stimu...', '']
field:  A medical application of electromagnetic fields: The magnetic stimulation of nerve fibers inside a cylindrical tissue
field:  Conference Paper
field:  Jun 2008
field:  M. Plesa
field:  L. Darabant
field:  R. Ciupa
field:  Adrian Sergiu Darabant
field:  A model is presented that predicts the electric field induced in the arm during magnetic stimulation of a peripheral nerve. The arm is represented as a homogeneous, cylindrical volume conductor. The electric field arises from two sources: the time - varying magnetic field and the accumulation of charge on the tissue - air surface. In magnetic stimu...
['', 'Fig. 2-The MobMed System Architecture and Integration with the Hospital...', 'Fig 3-Merge Replication Architecture .', "Fig. 6 MobMed's login window", "Fig. 7 MobMed's main and patient form  ", '', 'Mobile Devices and Data Synchronization Assisting Medical Diagnosis', 'Article', 'Full-text available', 'Jun 2008', 'Adrian Sergiu Darabant', 'Horea Todoran', 'In order to be able to establish the most accurate diagnostics as quick as possible, medical doctors need fast access not only to the current patient state and test results but also to its historical medical data. With the diversity of the malady symptoms today a correct diagnostic often requires a valuable time that is not always available due to...', '']
field:  Mobile Devices and Data Synchronization Assisting Medical Diagnosis
field:  Article
field:  Full-text available
field:  Jun 2008
field:  Adrian Sergiu Darabant
field:  Horea Todoran
field:  In order to be able to establish the most accurate diagnostics as quick as possible, medical doctors need fast access not only to the current patient state and test results but also to its historical medical data. With the diversity of the malady symptoms today a correct diagnostic often requires a valuable time that is not always available due to...
['', 'Web services for e-learning and e-recruitment', 'Article', 'Jan 2007', 'George Chis', 'Horea Grebla', 'D. Matis[...]', 'Adrian Sergiu Darabant', 'Mobile phone communication can no longer be conceived as a communication mean only, but also as a way to integrate voice services together with data services which are oriented towards large consumer groups. Together with voice services, mobile Internet represents the second most important component of the service packages offered in Romania. The a...', '']
field:  Web services for e-learning and e-recruitment
field:  Article
field:  Jan 2007
field:  George Chis
field:  Horea Grebla
field:  D. Matis[...]
field:  Adrian Sergiu Darabant
field:  Mobile phone communication can no longer be conceived as a communication mean only, but also as a way to integrate voice services together with data services which are oriented towards large consumer groups. Together with voice services, mobile Internet represents the second most important component of the service packages offered in Romania. The a...
['', 'Fig. 3 Comparative PE costs for variant M1 on all classes. ', 'Fig. 5-PE values for M1 on complex class fragmentation and primary...', '', '', '', 'The similarity measures and their impact on OODB fragmentation using hierarchical clustering algorithms', 'Article', 'Full-text available', 'Sep 2006', 'Adrian Sergiu Darabant', 'Horea Todoran', 'Octavian Creţ', 'George Chis', 'Class fragmentation is an essential phase in the design of Distributed Object Oriented Databases (DOODB). Due to their semantic similarity with the purpose of database fragmentation (obtaining sets of similar objects with respect to the user applications running in the system), clustering algorithms have recently begun to be investigated in the pro...', '']
field:  The similarity measures and their impact on OODB fragmentation using hierarchical clustering algorithms
field:  Article
field:  Full-text available
field:  Sep 2006
field:  Adrian Sergiu Darabant
field:  Horea Todoran
field:  Octavian Creţ
field:  George Chis
field:  Class fragmentation is an essential phase in the design of Distributed Object Oriented Databases (DOODB). Due to their semantic similarity with the purpose of database fragmentation (obtaining sets of similar objects with respect to the user applications running in the system), clustering algorithms have recently begun to be investigated in the pro...
['', 'Building an efficient architecture for data synchronization on mobile wireless agents', 'Article', 'Aug 2006', 'Adrian Sergiu Darabant', 'H. Todoran', 'Nowadays, negotiation between a representative of a commercial enterprise and its clients is a pre-requisite for selling most of the industrial goods in large quantities. In many cases, it is the task of a mobile salesman to conduct the negotiation on behalf of the supplier. But this is not an easy task to accomplish, since the mobile agent must br...', '']
field:  Building an efficient architecture for data synchronization on mobile wireless agents
field:  Article
field:  Aug 2006
field:  Adrian Sergiu Darabant
field:  H. Todoran
field:  Nowadays, negotiation between a representative of a commercial enterprise and its clients is a pre-requisite for selling most of the industrial goods in large quantities. In many cases, it is the task of a mobile salesman to conduct the negotiation on behalf of the supplier. But this is not an easy task to accomplish, since the mobile agent must br...
['', 'Fig.1 Business information flow', 'Fig. 2 – The MobSel System Architecture and Integration with the...', 'Fig 5 Controlling the synchronized data.', '', '', 'Implementing data synchronization on mobile wireless agents', 'Conference Paper', 'Full-text available', 'Jul 2006', 'Adrian Sergiu Darabant', 'Horea Todoran', "Mobile salesmen out in the wild and the entire commercial store with them? A while ago this would have seemed atypical. Nowadays, it has become a must have asset for any salesmen-based commercial enterprise. In the past, the Web brought the virtual store to the client's premises. While this is still enough for certain types of commerce, negotiation...", '']
field:  Implementing data synchronization on mobile wireless agents
field:  Conference Paper
field:  Full-text available
field:  Jul 2006
field:  Adrian Sergiu Darabant
field:  Horea Todoran
field:  Mobile salesmen out in the wild and the entire commercial store with them? A while ago this would have seemed atypical. Nowadays, it has become a must have asset for any salesmen-based commercial enterprise. In the past, the Web brought the virtual store to the client's premises. While this is still enough for certain types of commerce, negotiation...
['', 'Table 1 . Results of the software (C++) implementation', 'Table 2 . Results of the software implementation', 'Fig. 3. The hardware architecture in the 1D case', '', '', 'Solving the Maximum Subsequence Problem with a Hardware Agents-based System', 'Article', 'Full-text available', 'Jul 2006', 'Octavian Creţ', 'Zsolt Mathe', 'Cristina Grama[...]', 'Adrian Sergiu Darabant', 'The maximum subsequence problem is widely encountered in various digital processing systems. Given a stream of both positive and negative integers, it consists of determining the subsequence of maximal sum inside the input stream. In its two-dimensional version, the input is an array of both positive and negative integers, and the problem consists...', '']
field:  Solving the Maximum Subsequence Problem with a Hardware Agents-based System
field:  Article
field:  Full-text available
field:  Jul 2006
field:  Octavian Creţ
field:  Zsolt Mathe
field:  Cristina Grama[...]
field:  Adrian Sergiu Darabant
field:  The maximum subsequence problem is widely encountered in various digital processing systems. Given a stream of both positive and negative integers, it consists of determining the subsequence of maximal sum inside the input stream. In its two-dimensional version, the input is an array of both positive and negative integers, and the problem consists...
['', 'Figure 1: The fragmentation costs for the CBAk(incremental) and...', 'Table 1 : Comparative results for the CBAk and k-means algorithms', '', '', '', 'Incremental Horizontal Fragmentation: A new Approach in the Design of Distributed Object Oriented Databases', 'Article', 'Full-text available', 'Jan 2006', 'Adrian Sergiu Darabant', 'Alina Campan', 'Horea Todoran', 'Distributed relational or more recently object-oriented databases usually employ data fragmenta-tion techniques during the design phase in order to split and allocate the database entities across the nodes of the system. Most of the design algorithms are usually static and do not take into account the system evolution: data updates and addition of...', '']
field:  Incremental Horizontal Fragmentation: A new Approach in the Design of Distributed Object Oriented Databases
field:  Article
field:  Full-text available
field:  Jan 2006
field:  Adrian Sergiu Darabant
field:  Alina Campan
field:  Horea Todoran
field:  Distributed relational or more recently object-oriented databases usually employ data fragmenta-tion techniques during the design phase in order to split and allocate the database entities across the nodes of the system. Most of the design algorithms are usually static and do not take into account the system evolution: data updates and addition of...
['', 'A Hardware Implementation of the Kadane’s Algorithm for the Maximum Subsequence Problem', 'Conference Paper', 'Jan 2006', 'Octavian Creţ', 'Zsolt Mathe', 'Lucia Văcariu[...]', 'Levente-Karoly Gorog', '']
field:  A Hardware Implementation of the Kadane’s Algorithm for the Maximum Subsequence Problem
field:  Conference Paper
field:  Jan 2006
field:  Octavian Creţ
field:  Zsolt Mathe
field:  Lucia Văcariu[...]
field:  Levente-Karoly Gorog
['', '"The School in Your Pocket": Useful PoeketPC applications for students', 'Article', 'Jan 2006', 'Horea Todoran', 'Adrian Sergiu Darabant', 'Much smaller than laptops and still suitable for almost all kinds of applications, hand-held devices have the potential to rapidly become interesting tools for various daily activities. They can be successfully used in education by all participants (students, educators, administrative staff), if helpful applications are carefully designed and imple...', '']
field:  "The School in Your Pocket": Useful PoeketPC applications for students
field:  Article
field:  Jan 2006
field:  Horea Todoran
field:  Adrian Sergiu Darabant
field:  Much smaller than laptops and still suitable for almost all kinds of applications, hand-held devices have the potential to rapidly become interesting tools for various daily activities. They can be successfully used in education by all participants (students, educators, administrative staff), if helpful applications are carefully designed and imple...
['', 'Figure 2. Macroflows composed of connections originating from different...', '', '', '', '', 'Fine-Grained Macroflow Granularity in Congestion Control Management', 'Article', 'Full-text available', 'Jun 2005', 'Darius Bufnea', 'Alina Campan', 'Adrian Sergiu Darabant', 'A recent approach in Internet congestion control suggests collaboration between sets of streams that should share network resources and learn from each other about the state of the network. Currently such a set of collaborating streams – a macroflow – is organized on host pair basis. We propose in this paper a new method for grouping streams into m...', '']
field:  Fine-Grained Macroflow Granularity in Congestion Control Management
field:  Article
field:  Full-text available
field:  Jun 2005
field:  Darius Bufnea
field:  Alina Campan
field:  Adrian Sergiu Darabant
field:  A recent approach in Internet congestion control suggests collaboration between sets of streams that should share network resources and learn from each other about the state of the network. Currently such a set of collaborating streams – a macroflow – is organized on host pair basis. We propose in this paper a new method for grouping streams into m...
['', 'Figure 3 Fuzzy fragmentation vs k-means primary and k-means...', '', '', '', '', 'Using Fuzzy Clustering for Advanced OODB Horizontal Fragmentation with Fine-Grained Replication.', 'Conference Paper', 'Full-text available', 'Jan 2005', 'Adrian Sergiu Darabant', 'Alina Campan', 'Octavian Creţ', 'In this paper we present a new approach for horizontal object oriented database fragmentation combined with fine-grained object level replication in one step. We build our fragmentation/replication method using AI probabilis- tic clustering (fuzzy clustering). Fragmentation quality evaluation is provided using an evaluator function.', '']
field:  Using Fuzzy Clustering for Advanced OODB Horizontal Fragmentation with Fine-Grained Replication.
field:  Conference Paper
field:  Full-text available
field:  Jan 2005
field:  Adrian Sergiu Darabant
field:  Alina Campan
field:  Octavian Creţ
field:  In this paper we present a new approach for horizontal object oriented database fragmentation combined with fine-grained object level replication in one step. We build our fragmentation/replication method using AI probabilis- tic clustering (fuzzy clustering). Fragmentation quality evaluation is provided using an evaluator function.
['', 'Figure 1: The database class hierarchy', 'Figure 2: Experimental results', '', '', '', 'CLUSTERING TECHNIQUES FOR ADAPTIVE HORIZONTAL FRAGMENTATION IN OBJECT ORIENTED DATABASES', 'Article', 'Full-text available', 'Jan 2005', 'Alina Campan', 'Adrian Sergiu Darabant', 'Gabriela Serban', 'Optimal application performance in a Distributed Object Ori- ented System requires class fragmentation and the development of allocation schemes to place fragments at distributed sites so data transfer is minimal. A horizontal fragmentation approach that uses data mining clustering methods for partitioning object instances into fragments has alread...', '']
field:  Article
field:  Full-text available
field:  Jan 2005
field:  Alina Campan
field:  Adrian Sergiu Darabant
field:  Gabriela Serban
field:  Optimal application performance in a Distributed Object Ori- ented System requires class fragmentation and the development of allocation schemes to place fragments at distributed sites so data transfer is minimal. A horizontal fragmentation approach that uses data mining clustering methods for partitioning object instances into fragments has alread...
['', 'Figure 1: The database class hierarchy ', 'Figure 2: The database aggregation/association graph ', 'Figure 3: Comparative PE values for our fragmentation method,...', 'Figure 4: Comparative class PE values for each similarity measure ', 'Figure 5: Comparative PE values for primary only fragmentation and our...', 'A NEW APPROACH IN FRAGMENTATION OF DISTRIBUTED OBJECT ORIENTED DATABASES USING CLUSTERING TECHNIQUES', 'Article', 'Full-text available', 'Jan 2005', 'Adrian Sergiu Darabant', 'Horizontal fragmentation plays an important role in the design phase of Distributed Databases. Complex class relationships: associations, aggregations and complex methods, require fragmentation algorithms to take into account the new problem dimensions induced by these features of the object oriented models. We propose in this paper a new method fo...', '']
field:  Article
field:  Full-text available
field:  Jan 2005
field:  Adrian Sergiu Darabant
field:  Horizontal fragmentation plays an important role in the design phase of Distributed Databases. Complex class relationships: associations, aggregations and complex methods, require fragmentation algorithms to take into account the new problem dimensions induced by these features of the object oriented models. We propose in this paper a new method fo...
['', 'Table 1 . ', 'Table 2 . ', 'Figure 3. Parameter transmission in the SW array ', 'Figure 4. The interface of a PE and the connections between adjacent...', '', 'FPGA-based Scalable Implementation of the General Smith-Waterman Algorithm', 'Conference Paper', 'Full-text available', 'Nov 2004', 'Octavian Creţ', 'Stefan Mathe', 'Balint Szente[...]', 'Adrian Sergiu Darabant', 'The Smith-Waterman algorithm is fundamental in Bioinformatics. This paper presents an FPGA-based systolic implementation of the Smith-Waterman algorithm that addresses a general case of it. A solution that improves the scalability of the design is proposed. The architecture is optimized for both speed and space, by reusing the hardware resources fo...', '']
field:  FPGA-based Scalable Implementation of the General Smith-Waterman Algorithm
field:  Conference Paper
field:  Full-text available
field:  Nov 2004
field:  Octavian Creţ
field:  Stefan Mathe
field:  Balint Szente[...]
field:  Adrian Sergiu Darabant
field:  The Smith-Waterman algorithm is fundamental in Bioinformatics. This paper presents an FPGA-based systolic implementation of the Smith-Waterman algorithm that addresses a general case of it. A solution that improves the scalability of the design is proposed. The architecture is optimized for both speed and space, by reusing the hardware resources fo...
['', 'TABLE 2 . Allocation of Fragments to Distributed Sites', 'Fig. 3. Comparative quality measures for each class.', 'Fig. 4. Comparative PE for k-means, full replication and centralized case.', 'Fig. 5. Comparative PE values for our fragmentation methods.', '', 'Semi-supervised learning techniques: k-means clustering in OODB Fragmentation', 'Conference Paper', 'Full-text available', 'Feb 2004', 'Adrian Sergiu Darabant', 'Alina Campan', 'Vertical and horizontal fragmentations are central issues in the design process of distributed object based systems. A good fragmentation scheme followed by an optimal allocation could greatly enhance performance in such systems, as data transfer between distributed sites is minimized. In this paper we present a horizontal fragmentation approach th...', '']
field:  Semi-supervised learning techniques: k-means clustering in OODB Fragmentation
field:  Conference Paper
field:  Full-text available
field:  Feb 2004
field:  Adrian Sergiu Darabant
field:  Alina Campan
field:  Vertical and horizontal fragmentations are central issues in the design process of distributed object based systems. A good fragmentation scheme followed by an optimal allocation could greatly enhance performance in such systems, as data transfer between distributed sites is minimized. In this paper we present a horizontal fragmentation approach th...
['', 'Figure 1: The database inheritance hierarchy ', 'Figure 2: The database aggregation hierarchy ', 'Figure 3: Partial RelGraph-CAN values and weights ', 'Figure 4: Comparative PE values for each class ', 'Figure 5: Comparative PE values for different fragmentation orders ', 'A new approach for optimal fragmentation order in distributed object oriented databases', 'Article', 'Full-text available', 'Feb 2004', 'Adrian Sergiu Darabant', 'Alina Campan', 'Class fragmentation is an important task in the design of Distributed OODBs and there are many algorithms handling it. Almost none of them deals however with the class fragmentation order details. We claim that class fragmentation order can induce severe performance penalties if not considered in the frag- mentation phase. We propose here two varia...', '']
field:  A new approach for optimal fragmentation order in distributed object oriented databases
field:  Article
field:  Full-text available
field:  Feb 2004
field:  Adrian Sergiu Darabant
field:  Alina Campan
field:  Class fragmentation is an important task in the design of Distributed OODBs and there are many algorithms handling it. Almost none of them deals however with the class fragmentation order details. We claim that class fragmentation order can induce severe performance penalties if not considered in the frag- mentation phase. We propose here two varia...
['', 'Figure 1. The database inheritance hierarchy ', 'Figure 2. The database aggregation hierarchy ', '', '', '', 'OPTIMAL CLASS FRAGMENTATION ORDERING IN OBJECT ORIENTED DATABASES', 'Article', 'Full-text available', 'Jan 2004', 'Adrian Sergiu Darabant', 'Alina Campan', 'Distributed Object Oriented Databases require class fragmenta- tion, performed either horizontally or vertically. Complex class relationships like aggregation and/or association are often represented as two-way refer- ences or object-links between classes. In order to obtain a good quality horizontal fragmentation, an optimal class processing order...', '']
field:  Article
field:  Full-text available
field:  Jan 2004
field:  Adrian Sergiu Darabant
field:  Alina Campan
field:  Distributed Object Oriented Databases require class fragmenta- tion, performed either horizontally or vertically. Complex class relationships like aggregation and/or association are often represented as two-way refer- ences or object-links between classes. In order to obtain a good quality horizontal fragmentation, an optimal class processing order...
['', 'TABLE 1. ', 'Figure 3 Comparative PE values for our fragmentation method,...', 'Figure 4 Comparative class PE values for each similarity measure.', '', '', 'AI CLUSTERING TECHNIQUES: A NEW APPROACH IN HORIZONTAL FRAGMENTATION OF CLASSES WITH COMPLEX ATTRIBUTES AND METHODS IN OBJECT ORIENTED DATABASES', 'Article', 'Full-text available', 'Jan 2004', 'Adrian Sergiu Darabant', 'Alina Campan', 'Grigor Moldovan', 'Horea Grebla', 'Horizontal fragmentation plays an important role in the design phase of Distributed Databases. Complex class relationships: associations, aggregations and complex methods, require fragmentation algorithms to take into account the new problem dimensions induced by these features of the object oriented models. We propose in this paper a new method fo...', '']
field:  Article
field:  Full-text available
field:  Jan 2004
field:  Adrian Sergiu Darabant
field:  Alina Campan
field:  Grigor Moldovan
field:  Horea Grebla
field:  Horizontal fragmentation plays an important role in the design phase of Distributed Databases. Complex class relationships: associations, aggregations and complex methods, require fragmentation algorithms to take into account the new problem dimensions induced by these features of the object oriented models. We propose in this paper a new method fo...
['', 'DATA ALLOCATION IN DISTRIBUTED DATABASE SYSTEMS PERFORMED BY MOBILE INTELLIGENT AGENTS', 'Article', 'Full-text available', 'Jan 2004', 'Horea Grebla', 'Grigor Moldovan', 'Adrian Sergiu Darabant', 'Alina Campan', "As the European Union extends its boundaries the major companies have extended their presence on different markets resulting sales expansion and marketing specialization. Moreover, globalization brings a bigger impact on vital business's data because of the applications that have been developed on platforms having specific aspects by means of datab...", '']
field:  Article
field:  Full-text available
field:  Jan 2004
field:  Horea Grebla
field:  Grigor Moldovan
field:  Adrian Sergiu Darabant
field:  Alina Campan
field:  As the European Union extends its boundaries the major companies have extended their presence on different markets resulting sales expansion and marketing specialization. Moreover, globalization brings a bigger impact on vital business's data because of the applications that have been developed on platforms having specific aspects by means of datab...
['', 'Figure 2. Comparative PE for k-means, full replication and centralized...', 'Figure 3. Comparison quality measures for each of our fragmentation...', '', '', '', 'Advanced Object Database Design Techniques', 'Article', 'Full-text available', 'Jan 2004', 'Adrian Sergiu Darabant', 'Alina Ampan', 'Class fragmentation is an important task in the design of Distributed Object Oriented Databases (DOOD). However, fragmentation in DOOD is still at its beginnings and mostly adapted from the relational approaches. In this paper we propose an alternative approach for horizontal fragmentation of DOOD. Our method uses two different AI clustering techni...', '']
field:  Advanced Object Database Design Techniques
field:  Article
field:  Full-text available
field:  Jan 2004
field:  Adrian Sergiu Darabant
field:  Alina Ampan
field:  Class fragmentation is an important task in the design of Distributed Object Oriented Databases (DOOD). However, fragmentation in DOOD is still at its beginnings and mostly adapted from the relational approaches. In this paper we propose an alternative approach for horizontal fragmentation of DOOD. Our method uses two different AI clustering techni...
['', 'Fig. 2 . CREC development system ', '', '', '', '', 'A hardware/software codesign method for general purpose reconfigurable computing', 'Conference Paper', 'Full-text available', 'Jul 2003', 'Octavian Creţ', 'Kalman Pusztai', 'Cristian Cosmin Vancea[...]', 'Adrian Sergiu Darabant', 'CREC is an original, low-cost general-purpose Reconfigurable Computer whose architecture is generated through a Hardware / Software CoDesign process. The main idea of the CREC computer is to generate the best-suited hardware architecture for the execution of each software application. The CREC Parallel Compiler parses the source code and generates...', '']
field:  A hardware/software codesign method for general purpose reconfigurable computing
field:  Conference Paper
field:  Full-text available
field:  Jul 2003
field:  Octavian Creţ
field:  Kalman Pusztai
field:  Cristian Cosmin Vancea[...]
field:  Adrian Sergiu Darabant
field:  CREC is an original, low-cost general-purpose Reconfigurable Computer whose architecture is generated through a Hardware / Software CoDesign process. The main idea of the CREC computer is to generate the best-suited hardware architecture for the execution of each software application. The CREC Parallel Compiler parses the source code and generates...
['', 'Current Technologies in Automatic Test Suites Generation and Verification of Complex Systems', 'Article', 'Full-text available', 'Jan 1999', 'Adrian Sergiu Darabant', '']
field:  Current Technologies in Automatic Test Suites Generation and Verification of Complex Systems
field:  Article
field:  Full-text available
field:  Jan 1999
field:  Adrian Sergiu Darabant
['', 'Multi-tiered client-server techniques for distributed database systems', 'Article', 'Jan 1998', 'Adrian Sergiu Darabant', 'Information explosion across all areas has determined an increase in hardware requirements for application that provide data to the users. As hardware evelopment is quite susceptible to be bound after a top barrier is reached, new technologies must be developed in the software area in order to keep up with the requirements. We present here such a t...', '']
field:  Multi-tiered client-server techniques for distributed database systems
field:  Article
field:  Jan 1998
field:  Adrian Sergiu Darabant
field:  Information explosion across all areas has determined an increase in hardware requirements for application that provide data to the users. As hardware evelopment is quite susceptible to be bound after a top barrier is reached, new technologies must be developed in the software area in order to keep up with the requirements. We present here such a t...
['', 'Fig. 2. The database class hierarchy', 'Fig. 3. The database aggregation/association graph', '', '', '', 'Hierarchical clustering in object oriented data models with complex class relationships', 'Article', 'Full-text available', 'Adrian Sergiu Darabant', 'Alina Campan', 'Octavian Creţ', 'Class fragmentation is an essential phase in the design of Distributed Object Oriented Databases (DOODB). Horizontal and vertical fragmentation are the two commonly used fragmentation techniques. We propose here two new methods for horizontal fragmentation of objects with complex attributes. They rely on AI clustering techniques for grouping object...', '']
field:  Hierarchical clustering in object oriented data models with complex class relationships
field:  Article
field:  Full-text available
field:  Adrian Sergiu Darabant
field:  Alina Campan
field:  Octavian Creţ
field:  Class fragmentation is an essential phase in the design of Distributed Object Oriented Databases (DOODB). Horizontal and vertical fragmentation are the two commonly used fragmentation techniques. We propose here two new methods for horizontal fragmentation of objects with complex attributes. They rely on AI clustering techniques for grouping object...
['', 'Energy Efficient Coils for Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS)', 'Article', 'Laura DARABANT', 'M. Plesa', 'Radu CIUPA[...]', 'Adrian Sergiu Darabant', 'The preoccupation for improving the quality of life, for persons with different handicaps, led to extended research in the area of functional stimulation. Due to its advantages compared to electrical stimulation, magnetic stimulation of the human nervous system is now a common technique in modern medicine. A difficulty of this technique is the need...', '']
field:  Energy Efficient Coils for Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS)
field:  Article
field:  Laura DARABANT
field:  M. Plesa
field:  Radu CIUPA[...]
field:  Adrian Sergiu Darabant
field:  The preoccupation for improving the quality of life, for persons with different handicaps, led to extended research in the area of functional stimulation. Due to its advantages compared to electrical stimulation, magnetic stimulation of the human nervous system is now a common technique in modern medicine. A difficulty of this technique is the need...
['', 'Fig.2: Web Services for E-Learning', '', '', '', '', 'E-Learning Services as a Recruitment Tool', 'Article', 'Full-text available', 'George Chis', 'Horea Grebla', 'DUMITRU MATIS[...]', 'Adrian Sergiu Darabant', 'Networks expansion and Internet provide a good platform for e-learning in the idea of connecting learners with educational resources. The various systems that are already implemented consider the learning process as a remote task to gather knowledge in order to pass some exams. In the learning process evaluation represents a final step for a course...', '']
field:  E-Learning Services as a Recruitment Tool
field:  Article
field:  Full-text available
field:  George Chis
field:  Horea Grebla
field:  DUMITRU MATIS[...]
field:  Adrian Sergiu Darabant
field:  Networks expansion and Internet provide a good platform for e-learning in the idea of connecting learners with educational resources. The various systems that are already implemented consider the learning process as a remote task to gather knowledge in order to pass some exams. In the learning process evaluation represents a final step for a course...
['', 'A Comparative Study of Horizontal Object Clustering-based Fragmentation Techniques', 'Article', 'Adrian Sergiu Darabant', 'Alina Campan', 'Design of modern Distributed Object Oriented Databases (DOODs) requires class fragmentation techniques. Although research has been conducted in this area, most of the developed methods are inspired from the relational fragmentation algorithms. In this paper we develop a comparative approach of two new methods for horizontal class fragmentation in a...', '']
field:  A Comparative Study of Horizontal Object Clustering-based Fragmentation Techniques
field:  Article
field:  Adrian Sergiu Darabant
field:  Alina Campan
field:  Design of modern Distributed Object Oriented Databases (DOODs) requires class fragmentation techniques. Although research has been conducted in this area, most of the developed methods are inspired from the relational fragmentation algorithms. In this paper we develop a comparative approach of two new methods for horizontal class fragmentation in a...
['', 'TABLE 2 . OCM -exceptional case', 'TABLE 3 . CVM -for OCM', 'Fig. 4. Comparative quality measures for fragmentation variants,...', 'TABLE 4 . OCM -with phantom object', 'TABLE 5 . CVM -with phantom object', 'AI Clustering Techniques: a New Approach to Object Oriented Database Fragmentation', 'Article', 'Full-text available', 'Adrian Sergiu Darabant', 'Alina Campan', 'Cluj Napoca', 'M Kogalniceanu', 'Optimal application performance on a Distributed Object Based System requires class fragmentation and the development of allocation schemes to place fragments at distributed sites so data transfer is minimal. In this paper we present a horizontal fragmentation approach that uses the k-means centroid based clustering method for partitioning object i...', '']
field:  AI Clustering Techniques: a New Approach to Object Oriented Database Fragmentation
field:  Article
field:  Full-text available
field:  Adrian Sergiu Darabant
field:  Alina Campan
field:  Cluj Napoca
field:  M Kogalniceanu
field:  Optimal application performance on a Distributed Object Based System requires class fragmentation and the development of allocation schemes to place fragments at distributed sites so data transfer is minimal. In this paper we present a horizontal fragmentation approach that uses the k-means centroid based clustering method for partitioning object i...
['', 'A Comparative Study on the Influence of Similarity Measures in Hierarchical Clustering in Complex Distributed Object-Oriented Databases', 'Article', 'Full-text available', 'Adrian Sergiu Darabant', 'Horea Todoran', 'Octavian Creţ', 'George Chis', 'Class fragmentation is an essential phase in the design of Distributed Object Oriented Databases (DOODB). Due to their semantic similarity with the purpose of database fragmentation (obtaining sets of similar objects with respect to the user applications running in the system), clustering algorithms have recently begun to be investigated in the pro...', '']
field:  A Comparative Study on the Influence of Similarity Measures in Hierarchical Clustering in Complex Distributed Object-Oriented Databases
field:  Article
field:  Full-text available
field:  Adrian Sergiu Darabant
field:  Horea Todoran
field:  Octavian Creţ
field:  George Chis
field:  Class fragmentation is an essential phase in the design of Distributed Object Oriented Databases (DOODB). Due to their semantic similarity with the purpose of database fragmentation (obtaining sets of similar objects with respect to the user applications running in the system), clustering algorithms have recently begun to be investigated in the pro...
['', 'Figure 1. Medical information flow ', 'Figure 2. The MobMed Architecture and Integration with the Hospital...', 'Figure 3. Merge Replication Architecture ', '', '', 'EFFICIENT DATA SYNCHRONIZATION FOR MOBILE WIRELESS MEDICAL USERS', 'Article', 'Full-text available', 'Adrian Sergiu Darabant', 'Darabant And', 'Horea Todoran', 'In order to take the appropriate decisions as quick as possible, medical doctors need fast access to various pieces of information on their pa-tients. The required information should be accurate, up-to-date, and avail-able on the spot. Even more, after finishing his/her investigation, the medical doctor should be able to immediately forward the rel...', '']
field:  Article
field:  Full-text available
field:  Adrian Sergiu Darabant
field:  Darabant And
field:  Horea Todoran
field:  In order to take the appropriate decisions as quick as possible, medical doctors need fast access to various pieces of information on their pa-tients. The required information should be accurate, up-to-date, and avail-able on the spot. Even more, after finishing his/her investigation, the medical doctor should be able to immediately forward the rel...
['', '', '', '', 'Implementing Efficient Data Synchronization for Mobile Wireless Medical Users', 'Article', 'Full-text available', 'Adrian Sergiu Darabant', 'In order to take the appropriate decisions as quick as possible, medical doctors need fast access to various pieces of information on their patients. The required information should be accurate, up-to-date, and available on the spot. Even more, after finishing his/her investigation, the medical doctor should be able to immediately forward the relev...', '']
field:  Implementing Efficient Data Synchronization for Mobile Wireless Medical Users
field:  Article
field:  Full-text available
field:  Adrian Sergiu Darabant
field:  In order to take the appropriate decisions as quick as possible, medical doctors need fast access to various pieces of information on their patients. The required information should be accurate, up-to-date, and available on the spot. Even more, after finishing his/her investigation, the medical doctor should be able to immediately forward the relev...
[('Fast In-the-Wild Hair Segmentation and Color Classification', 'Jan 2019'), ('A Deep Learning Approach to Hair Segmentation and Color Extraction from Facial Images: 19th International Conference, ACIVS 2018, Poitiers, France, September 24–27, 2018, Proceedings', 'Sep 2018'), ('Micro-Expressions Detection Based on Micro-Motions Dense Optical Flows', 'Sep 2018'), ('Automatic Skin Tone Extraction for Visagism Applications', 'Jan 2018'), ('High-Speed Video System for Micro-Expression Detection and Recognition', 'Dec 2017'), ('Supplementary Material', 'Dec 2017'), ('Towards Automatic Skin Tone Classification in Facial Images', 'Oct 2017'), ('A linear approach to distributed database optimization using data reallocation', 'Sep 2017'), ('Automatic gender recognition for “in the wild” facial images using convolutional neural networks', 'Sep 2017'), ('Access Patterns Optimization in Distributed Databases Using Data Reallocation', 'Aug 2017'), ('Fast Eye Tracking and Feature Measurement using a Multi-stage Particle Filter', 'Jan 2017'), ('Real-Time Detection and Measurement of Eye Features from Color Images', 'Jul 2016'), ('Magnetic Stimulation of the Spinal Cord: Evaluating the Characteristics of an Appropriate Stimulator', 'Oct 2015'), ('Eyeglasses contour extraction using genetic algorithms', 'Sep 2015'), ('Eyeglasses Lens Contour Extraction from Facial Images Using an Efficient Shape Description', 'Oct 2013'), ('Magnetic Stimulation of the Spinal Cord: Experimental Results and Simulations', 'May 2013'), ('Clustering methods in data fragmentation', 'Jan 2011'), ('Computer Vision Aided Measurement of Morphological Features in Medical Optics', 'Sep 2010'), ('A Computer Vision Approach to Object Tracking and Counting', 'Sep 2010'), ('Energy Efficient Coils for Magnetic Stimulation of Peripheral Nerves', 'Apr 2009'), ('Hierarchical clustering in large object datasets – a study on complexity, quality and scalability', 'Jan 2009'), ('A medical application of electromagnetic fields: The magnetic stimulation of nerve fibers inside a cylindrical tissue', 'Jun 2008'), ('Mobile Devices and Data Synchronization Assisting Medical Diagnosis', 'Jun 2008'), ('Web services for e-learning and e-recruitment', 'Jan 2007'), ('The similarity measures and their impact on OODB fragmentation using hierarchical clustering algorithms', 'Sep 2006'), ('Building an efficient architecture for data synchronization on mobile wireless agents', 'Aug 2006'), ('Implementing data synchronization on mobile wireless agents', 'Jul 2006'), ('Solving the Maximum Subsequence Problem with a Hardware Agents-based System', 'Jul 2006'), ('Incremental Horizontal Fragmentation: A new Approach in the Design of Distributed Object Oriented Databases', 'Jan 2006'), ('A Hardware Implementation of the Kadane’s Algorithm for the Maximum Subsequence Problem', 'Jan 2006'), ('"The School in Your Pocket": Useful PoeketPC applications for students', 'Jan 2006'), ('Fine-Grained Macroflow Granularity in Congestion Control Management', 'Jun 2005'), ('Using Fuzzy Clustering for Advanced OODB Horizontal Fragmentation with Fine-Grained Replication.', 'Jan 2005'), ('CLUSTERING TECHNIQUES FOR ADAPTIVE HORIZONTAL FRAGMENTATION IN OBJECT ORIENTED DATABASES', 'Jan 2005'), ('A NEW APPROACH IN FRAGMENTATION OF DISTRIBUTED OBJECT ORIENTED DATABASES USING CLUSTERING TECHNIQUES', 'Jan 2005'), ('FPGA-based Scalable Implementation of the General Smith-Waterman Algorithm', 'Nov 2004'), ('Semi-supervised learning techniques: k-means clustering in OODB Fragmentation', 'Feb 2004'), ('A new approach for optimal fragmentation order in distributed object oriented databases', 'Feb 2004'), ('OPTIMAL CLASS FRAGMENTATION ORDERING IN OBJECT ORIENTED DATABASES', 'Jan 2004'), ('AI CLUSTERING TECHNIQUES: A NEW APPROACH IN HORIZONTAL FRAGMENTATION OF CLASSES WITH COMPLEX ATTRIBUTES AND METHODS IN OBJECT ORIENTED DATABASES', 'Jan 2004'), ('DATA ALLOCATION IN DISTRIBUTED DATABASE SYSTEMS PERFORMED BY MOBILE INTELLIGENT AGENTS', 'Jan 2004'), ('Advanced Object Database Design Techniques', 'Jan 2004'), ('A hardware/software codesign method for general purpose reconfigurable computing', 'Jul 2003'), ('Current Technologies in Automatic Test Suites Generation and Verification of Complex Systems', 'Jan 1999'), ('Multi-tiered client-server techniques for distributed database systems', 'Jan 1998'), ('Hierarchical clustering in object oriented data models with complex class relationships', None), ('Energy Efficient Coils for Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS)', None), ('E-Learning Services as a Recruitment Tool', None), ('A Comparative Study of Horizontal Object Clustering-based Fragmentation Techniques', None), ('AI Clustering Techniques: a New Approach to Object Oriented Database Fragmentation', None), ('A Comparative Study on the Influence of Similarity Measures in Hierarchical Clustering in Complex Distributed Object-Oriented Databases', None), ('EFFICIENT DATA SYNCHRONIZATION FOR MOBILE WIRELESS MEDICAL USERS', None), ('Implementing Efficient Data Synchronization for Mobile Wireless Medical Users', None)]

In [52]:
for i, paper in enumerate(papers):
    print(i, paper)
        #mylines[i][0] = mylines[i][1]

0 ('Fast In-the-Wild Hair Segmentation and Color Classification', 'Jan 2019')
1 ('A Deep Learning Approach to Hair Segmentation and Color Extraction from Facial Images: 19th International Conference, ACIVS 2018, Poitiers, France, September 24–27, 2018, Proceedings', 'Sep 2018')
2 ('Micro-Expressions Detection Based on Micro-Motions Dense Optical Flows', 'Sep 2018')
3 ('Automatic Skin Tone Extraction for Visagism Applications', 'Jan 2018')
4 ('High-Speed Video System for Micro-Expression Detection and Recognition', 'Dec 2017')
5 ('Supplementary Material', 'Dec 2017')
6 ('Towards Automatic Skin Tone Classification in Facial Images', 'Oct 2017')
7 ('A linear approach to distributed database optimization using data reallocation', 'Sep 2017')
8 ('Automatic gender recognition for “in the wild” facial images using convolutional neural networks', 'Sep 2017')
9 ('Access Patterns Optimization in Distributed Databases Using Data Reallocation', 'Aug 2017')
10 ('Fast Eye Tracking and Feature Measurement using a Multi-stage Particle Filter', 'Jan 2017')
11 ('Real-Time Detection and Measurement of Eye Features from Color Images', 'Jul 2016')
12 ('Magnetic Stimulation of the Spinal Cord: Evaluating the Characteristics of an Appropriate Stimulator', 'Oct 2015')
13 ('Eyeglasses contour extraction using genetic algorithms', 'Sep 2015')
14 ('Eyeglasses Lens Contour Extraction from Facial Images Using an Efficient Shape Description', 'Oct 2013')
15 ('Magnetic Stimulation of the Spinal Cord: Experimental Results and Simulations', 'May 2013')
16 ('Clustering methods in data fragmentation', 'Jan 2011')
17 ('Computer Vision Aided Measurement of Morphological Features in Medical Optics', 'Sep 2010')
18 ('A Computer Vision Approach to Object Tracking and Counting', 'Sep 2010')
19 ('Energy Efficient Coils for Magnetic Stimulation of Peripheral Nerves', 'Apr 2009')
20 ('Hierarchical clustering in large object datasets – a study on complexity, quality and scalability', 'Jan 2009')
21 ('A medical application of electromagnetic fields: The magnetic stimulation of nerve fibers inside a cylindrical tissue', 'Jun 2008')
22 ('Mobile Devices and Data Synchronization Assisting Medical Diagnosis', 'Jun 2008')
23 ('Web services for e-learning and e-recruitment', 'Jan 2007')
24 ('The similarity measures and their impact on OODB fragmentation using hierarchical clustering algorithms', 'Sep 2006')
25 ('Building an efficient architecture for data synchronization on mobile wireless agents', 'Aug 2006')
26 ('Implementing data synchronization on mobile wireless agents', 'Jul 2006')
27 ('Solving the Maximum Subsequence Problem with a Hardware Agents-based System', 'Jul 2006')
28 ('Incremental Horizontal Fragmentation: A new Approach in the Design of Distributed Object Oriented Databases', 'Jan 2006')
29 ('A Hardware Implementation of the Kadane’s Algorithm for the Maximum Subsequence Problem', 'Jan 2006')
30 ('"The School in Your Pocket": Useful PoeketPC applications for students', 'Jan 2006')
31 ('Fine-Grained Macroflow Granularity in Congestion Control Management', 'Jun 2005')
32 ('Using Fuzzy Clustering for Advanced OODB Horizontal Fragmentation with Fine-Grained Replication.', 'Jan 2005')
35 ('FPGA-based Scalable Implementation of the General Smith-Waterman Algorithm', 'Nov 2004')
36 ('Semi-supervised learning techniques: k-means clustering in OODB Fragmentation', 'Feb 2004')
37 ('A new approach for optimal fragmentation order in distributed object oriented databases', 'Feb 2004')
41 ('Advanced Object Database Design Techniques', 'Jan 2004')
42 ('A hardware/software codesign method for general purpose reconfigurable computing', 'Jul 2003')
43 ('Current Technologies in Automatic Test Suites Generation and Verification of Complex Systems', 'Jan 1999')
44 ('Multi-tiered client-server techniques for distributed database systems', 'Jan 1998')
45 ('Hierarchical clustering in object oriented data models with complex class relationships', None)
46 ('Energy Efficient Coils for Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS)', None)
47 ('E-Learning Services as a Recruitment Tool', None)
48 ('A Comparative Study of Horizontal Object Clustering-based Fragmentation Techniques', None)
49 ('AI Clustering Techniques: a New Approach to Object Oriented Database Fragmentation', None)
50 ('A Comparative Study on the Influence of Similarity Measures in Hierarchical Clustering in Complex Distributed Object-Oriented Databases', None)
52 ('Implementing Efficient Data Synchronization for Mobile Wireless Medical Users', None)

DB Storage (TODO)

Time to store the entries in the papers DB table.

In [53]:
import mariadb
import json

In [54]:
with open('../credentials.json', 'r') as crd_json_fd:
    json_text =
    json_obj = json.loads(json_text)

In [55]:
credentials = json_obj["Credentials"]
username = credentials["username"]
password = credentials["password"]

In [56]:
table_name = "publications_cache"
db_name = "ubbcluj"

In [57]:
mariadb_connection = mariadb.connect(user=username, password=password, database=db_name)
mariadb_cursor = mariadb_connection.cursor()

In [61]:
import datetime
from datetime import datetime

In [64]:
for paper in papers:
    title = ""
    authors = ""
    pub_date = ""
    affiliations = ""
        title = paper[0].lstrip()
#         print(paper[1])
        pub_date = datetime.strptime(paper[1], "%b %Y").strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
    insert_string = "INSERT INTO {0} SET ".format(table_name)
    insert_string += "Title=\'{0}\', ".format(title)
    insert_string += "ProfessorId=\'{0}\', ".format(12)
    if pub_date != "":
        insert_string += "PublicationDate=\'{0}\', ".format(str(pub_date))
    insert_string += "Authors=\'{0}\', ".format(authors)
    insert_string += "Affiliations=\'{0}\' ".format(affiliations)
#     print(paper)
#     continue
    except mariadb.ProgrammingError as pe:
        raise pe
    except mariadb.IntegrityError:

INSERT INTO publications_cache SET Title='Fast In-the-Wild Hair Segmentation and Color Classification', ProfessorId='12', PublicationDate='2019-01-01', Authors='', Affiliations='' 
INSERT INTO publications_cache SET Title='A Deep Learning Approach to Hair Segmentation and Color Extraction from Facial Images: 19th International Conference, ACIVS 2018, Poitiers, France, September 24–27, 2018, Proceedings', ProfessorId='12', PublicationDate='2018-09-01', Authors='', Affiliations='' 
INSERT INTO publications_cache SET Title='Micro-Expressions Detection Based on Micro-Motions Dense Optical Flows', ProfessorId='12', PublicationDate='2018-09-01', Authors='', Affiliations='' 
INSERT INTO publications_cache SET Title='Automatic Skin Tone Extraction for Visagism Applications', ProfessorId='12', PublicationDate='2018-01-01', Authors='', Affiliations='' 
INSERT INTO publications_cache SET Title='High-Speed Video System for Micro-Expression Detection and Recognition', ProfessorId='12', PublicationDate='2017-12-01', Authors='', Affiliations='' 
INSERT INTO publications_cache SET Title='Supplementary Material', ProfessorId='12', PublicationDate='2017-12-01', Authors='', Affiliations='' 
INSERT INTO publications_cache SET Title='Towards Automatic Skin Tone Classification in Facial Images', ProfessorId='12', PublicationDate='2017-10-01', Authors='', Affiliations='' 
INSERT INTO publications_cache SET Title='A linear approach to distributed database optimization using data reallocation', ProfessorId='12', PublicationDate='2017-09-01', Authors='', Affiliations='' 
INSERT INTO publications_cache SET Title='Automatic gender recognition for “in the wild” facial images using convolutional neural networks', ProfessorId='12', PublicationDate='2017-09-01', Authors='', Affiliations='' 
INSERT INTO publications_cache SET Title='Access Patterns Optimization in Distributed Databases Using Data Reallocation', ProfessorId='12', PublicationDate='2017-08-01', Authors='', Affiliations='' 
INSERT INTO publications_cache SET Title='Fast Eye Tracking and Feature Measurement using a Multi-stage Particle Filter', ProfessorId='12', PublicationDate='2017-01-01', Authors='', Affiliations='' 
INSERT INTO publications_cache SET Title='Real-Time Detection and Measurement of Eye Features from Color Images', ProfessorId='12', PublicationDate='2016-07-01', Authors='', Affiliations='' 
INSERT INTO publications_cache SET Title='Magnetic Stimulation of the Spinal Cord: Evaluating the Characteristics of an Appropriate Stimulator', ProfessorId='12', PublicationDate='2015-10-01', Authors='', Affiliations='' 
INSERT INTO publications_cache SET Title='Eyeglasses contour extraction using genetic algorithms', ProfessorId='12', PublicationDate='2015-09-01', Authors='', Affiliations='' 
INSERT INTO publications_cache SET Title='Eyeglasses Lens Contour Extraction from Facial Images Using an Efficient Shape Description', ProfessorId='12', PublicationDate='2013-10-01', Authors='', Affiliations='' 
INSERT INTO publications_cache SET Title='Magnetic Stimulation of the Spinal Cord: Experimental Results and Simulations', ProfessorId='12', PublicationDate='2013-05-01', Authors='', Affiliations='' 
INSERT INTO publications_cache SET Title='Clustering methods in data fragmentation', ProfessorId='12', PublicationDate='2011-01-01', Authors='', Affiliations='' 
INSERT INTO publications_cache SET Title='Computer Vision Aided Measurement of Morphological Features in Medical Optics', ProfessorId='12', PublicationDate='2010-09-01', Authors='', Affiliations='' 
INSERT INTO publications_cache SET Title='A Computer Vision Approach to Object Tracking and Counting', ProfessorId='12', PublicationDate='2010-09-01', Authors='', Affiliations='' 
INSERT INTO publications_cache SET Title='Energy Efficient Coils for Magnetic Stimulation of Peripheral Nerves', ProfessorId='12', PublicationDate='2009-04-01', Authors='', Affiliations='' 
INSERT INTO publications_cache SET Title='Hierarchical clustering in large object datasets – a study on complexity, quality and scalability', ProfessorId='12', PublicationDate='2009-01-01', Authors='', Affiliations='' 
INSERT INTO publications_cache SET Title='A medical application of electromagnetic fields: The magnetic stimulation of nerve fibers inside a cylindrical tissue', ProfessorId='12', PublicationDate='2008-06-01', Authors='', Affiliations='' 
INSERT INTO publications_cache SET Title='Mobile Devices and Data Synchronization Assisting Medical Diagnosis', ProfessorId='12', PublicationDate='2008-06-01', Authors='', Affiliations='' 
INSERT INTO publications_cache SET Title='Web services for e-learning and e-recruitment', ProfessorId='12', PublicationDate='2007-01-01', Authors='', Affiliations='' 
INSERT INTO publications_cache SET Title='The similarity measures and their impact on OODB fragmentation using hierarchical clustering algorithms', ProfessorId='12', PublicationDate='2006-09-01', Authors='', Affiliations='' 
INSERT INTO publications_cache SET Title='Building an efficient architecture for data synchronization on mobile wireless agents', ProfessorId='12', PublicationDate='2006-08-01', Authors='', Affiliations='' 
INSERT INTO publications_cache SET Title='Implementing data synchronization on mobile wireless agents', ProfessorId='12', PublicationDate='2006-07-01', Authors='', Affiliations='' 
INSERT INTO publications_cache SET Title='Solving the Maximum Subsequence Problem with a Hardware Agents-based System', ProfessorId='12', PublicationDate='2006-07-01', Authors='', Affiliations='' 
INSERT INTO publications_cache SET Title='Incremental Horizontal Fragmentation: A new Approach in the Design of Distributed Object Oriented Databases', ProfessorId='12', PublicationDate='2006-01-01', Authors='', Affiliations='' 
INSERT INTO publications_cache SET Title='A Hardware Implementation of the Kadane’s Algorithm for the Maximum Subsequence Problem', ProfessorId='12', PublicationDate='2006-01-01', Authors='', Affiliations='' 
INSERT INTO publications_cache SET Title='"The School in Your Pocket": Useful PoeketPC applications for students', ProfessorId='12', PublicationDate='2006-01-01', Authors='', Affiliations='' 
INSERT INTO publications_cache SET Title='Fine-Grained Macroflow Granularity in Congestion Control Management', ProfessorId='12', PublicationDate='2005-06-01', Authors='', Affiliations='' 
INSERT INTO publications_cache SET Title='Using Fuzzy Clustering for Advanced OODB Horizontal Fragmentation with Fine-Grained Replication.', ProfessorId='12', PublicationDate='2005-01-01', Authors='', Affiliations='' 
INSERT INTO publications_cache SET Title='CLUSTERING TECHNIQUES FOR ADAPTIVE HORIZONTAL FRAGMENTATION IN OBJECT ORIENTED DATABASES', ProfessorId='12', PublicationDate='2005-01-01', Authors='', Affiliations='' 
INSERT INTO publications_cache SET Title='A NEW APPROACH IN FRAGMENTATION OF DISTRIBUTED OBJECT ORIENTED DATABASES USING CLUSTERING TECHNIQUES', ProfessorId='12', PublicationDate='2005-01-01', Authors='', Affiliations='' 
INSERT INTO publications_cache SET Title='FPGA-based Scalable Implementation of the General Smith-Waterman Algorithm', ProfessorId='12', PublicationDate='2004-11-01', Authors='', Affiliations='' 
INSERT INTO publications_cache SET Title='Semi-supervised learning techniques: k-means clustering in OODB Fragmentation', ProfessorId='12', PublicationDate='2004-02-01', Authors='', Affiliations='' 
INSERT INTO publications_cache SET Title='A new approach for optimal fragmentation order in distributed object oriented databases', ProfessorId='12', PublicationDate='2004-02-01', Authors='', Affiliations='' 
INSERT INTO publications_cache SET Title='OPTIMAL CLASS FRAGMENTATION ORDERING IN OBJECT ORIENTED DATABASES', ProfessorId='12', PublicationDate='2004-01-01', Authors='', Affiliations='' 
INSERT INTO publications_cache SET Title='DATA ALLOCATION IN DISTRIBUTED DATABASE SYSTEMS PERFORMED BY MOBILE INTELLIGENT AGENTS', ProfessorId='12', PublicationDate='2004-01-01', Authors='', Affiliations='' 
INSERT INTO publications_cache SET Title='Advanced Object Database Design Techniques', ProfessorId='12', PublicationDate='2004-01-01', Authors='', Affiliations='' 
INSERT INTO publications_cache SET Title='A hardware/software codesign method for general purpose reconfigurable computing', ProfessorId='12', PublicationDate='2003-07-01', Authors='', Affiliations='' 
INSERT INTO publications_cache SET Title='Current Technologies in Automatic Test Suites Generation and Verification of Complex Systems', ProfessorId='12', PublicationDate='1999-01-01', Authors='', Affiliations='' 
INSERT INTO publications_cache SET Title='Multi-tiered client-server techniques for distributed database systems', ProfessorId='12', PublicationDate='1998-01-01', Authors='', Affiliations='' 
INSERT INTO publications_cache SET Title='Hierarchical clustering in object oriented data models with complex class relationships', ProfessorId='12', Authors='', Affiliations='' 
INSERT INTO publications_cache SET Title='Energy Efficient Coils for Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS)', ProfessorId='12', Authors='', Affiliations='' 
INSERT INTO publications_cache SET Title='E-Learning Services as a Recruitment Tool', ProfessorId='12', Authors='', Affiliations='' 
INSERT INTO publications_cache SET Title='A Comparative Study of Horizontal Object Clustering-based Fragmentation Techniques', ProfessorId='12', Authors='', Affiliations='' 
INSERT INTO publications_cache SET Title='AI Clustering Techniques: a New Approach to Object Oriented Database Fragmentation', ProfessorId='12', Authors='', Affiliations='' 
INSERT INTO publications_cache SET Title='A Comparative Study on the Influence of Similarity Measures in Hierarchical Clustering in Complex Distributed Object-Oriented Databases', ProfessorId='12', Authors='', Affiliations='' 
INSERT INTO publications_cache SET Title='EFFICIENT DATA SYNCHRONIZATION FOR MOBILE WIRELESS MEDICAL USERS', ProfessorId='12', Authors='', Affiliations='' 
INSERT INTO publications_cache SET Title='Implementing Efficient Data Synchronization for Mobile Wireless Medical Users', ProfessorId='12', Authors='', Affiliations='' 

In [65]:


In the end, the DB only required ~1 manual modifications with this code.

This was first stored in a DB cache table which is a duplicate of the main, reviewed, then inserted in the main table.